Artificial Intelligence 🎛️

Spaceman With Book
Doris 📚

An AI librarian that showcases a collection of advanced AI programming methodologies, such as LangChain Agents, RAG, streamlit, and function calls using external APIs.

Spaceman with Keyboard
Albert 🔋

A sentient AI that can form memories, has happiness and energy levels, can execute commands on an Ubuntu terminal, and can ask questions to humans via Slack.

Spaceman Robot
Atom 🤖

An AI pentesting assistant leveraging GPT-4 for dynamic attack surface mapping, CVE research, and automated command generation. Simplify and enhance your pentests with Atom's conversational UI and extensive API.

Spaceman with lightbulb
Website Analyzer 💡

A website copy and brand analysis tool that uses a combination of autonomous web scraping, embeddings, and API calls for AI inference.


A replica of OpenAI's SearchGPT, featuring a cloned UI, initiative AI search, and cited sources. Built with TailWind CSS and Langchain.

Andrew Campi

Software engineer and researcher with a passion for AI and Cyber Security

Featured Projects